
2Much.net Bounces Back From Near Disaster in Third Party Billing Bust

Montreal, Quebec (January 27, 2004) – 2Much Internet Services, the company responsible for last year’s surprise entry in high-end video-audio streaming and billing software, LiveCamNetwork 1.9, was forced to a standstill over the weekend of January 16-19 when its newly formed network of websites virtually lost the capacity to accept payments from clients.

In what can be seen as yet another deadly Internet undertow, ProBilling, the third-party billing s  https://Charlie-Day.com  https://SkinSaps.com  https://TopShoesGuide.com  https://HausaCinema.com  https://WhatCamCorders.com  https://CoffeeBaze.com  https://TrueTechJournal.com  https://GamerOfficials.com  https://PetAnimalScare.com  https://CelebMastery.com  https://FallsViewsCasino.comcompany 2much.net has dealt with since last summer, announced it would cease all credit card billing services, with only e-checking remaining.

Citing “challenging times for all online credit card processing companies” in their January 16 bombshell communiqué, Probilling claimed “due to the increased scrutiny by the credit card associations we feel that we can no longer offer reliable credit card processing”. Calling the credit giants “high risk processing” Pro Billing cancelled these services with only a four-day warning on Visa and none for MasterCard.

2Much Internet services, which powers a few dozen chat websites and requires a reliable third-party billing processor to enable customer purchases, was obliged to put normal operations on hold and hunt the market to seal a deal before the January 20th deadline.

2Much President and CEO Mark Prince and his programming team immediately began approaching companies, dealing for compatibility to the 2Much system. Each billing company is unique and shares no standards when communicating sensitive customer data between transaction points. “We have had to write new software,” said Ye Zhang, head programmer at 2Much.net, “for each of the billing companies we have tested.”

The distinctive E-Wallet system LiveCamNetwork 1.9 uses simplifies purchases for end users but can’t be universally adapted to just any third party billing system. 2much.net had the unpleasant option to either re-write its LiveCamNetwork software or reconsider the system altogether, but in the end decided against either course.

“It was hell,” Prince said. “Phones rang, customers were nervous. They just dropped $12,000 on our software and they needed service. It has been hectic.” Prince remained upbeat throughout, he claims, and remembered when a pr