Little Known Secrets About Credibility Marketing!

If you really want to leverage your expertise to build your credibility, you must understand the concept of leverage. The best way to leverage your credibility is for you to become an author. Don’t let that scare you. Authoring simply means to create. You must create something that other people want, especially if you want to make money. And that is what every successful business is all about. Now, most people automatically think traditional publishing when they think of authoring. However, I am not an advocate of this at all for a number of reasons. The main reason is that it keeps you from receiving cash flow immediately.


My father taught me throughout my childhood that business cash flow is the overriding determinant of a successful business. And he is definitely correct! It does not matter how many assets  that a company has, if it cannot produce a steady cash flow, the business will die. If you want to go the traditionally published route at the beginning, you will end up wasting too much time getting a book to market. Furthermore, in my experience, most people do not acquire the necessary sales and marketing skills to fully leverage the big publishing house model. From a business perspective, the traditionally published model of authoring does not make good business sense.

How do you explode into the market place? You create a best selling eBook or digital product which your target market wants! In fact never has it been easier to become a best selling author, and you can do it in an afternoon. There are a number of ways to create a product quickly. The best way is to put together a questionnaire on a topic that you are passionate about and that has a great demand in the market place. Read your outline or get someone else to interview you, and record this as an MP3 file. Then use a service like or to transcribe it: e-publish it as an eBook using Adobe’s free service and presto you are a published eBook author!

What makes this method so effective is that your product is digital, so you have instant access to a global market 24/7. No wonder Mark Victor Hansen, author of the hugely successful Chicken Soup series, recently stated, “The Internet is the best real estate today.” According to a recent eMarketer report, almost 50% of what was purchased on the Internet in 2004 was purchased through this medium because this was the only place where the material could be purchased. And this trend is increasing consistently.

In you want to author by communicating through the written medium, it is imperative that you unlearn some rules about “successful” writing you were taught in school. For example, successful writing is not about doing all your research first and then spewing out a data dump. Successful writing on the Internet is about writing at a grade 6 or 7 level and communicating just the way you speak. Incomplete sentences are acceptable. Perfection is a liability. This is not to say you don’t want to do a good job. But I want to underscore the fact that good writing is conversational in style, informal in demeanor and user friendly in its ability to help people solve their problems. If you can write a long email or hold a conversation, you can author a best selling eBook.