Want to Learn Self Hypnosis?

Learning self hypnosis gives you the power to create major life benefits on your own and at your own speed. Learning self hypnosis can help you to cure a wide range of health conditions such as overweight, headaches, and a variety of skin conditions, as well as a broad variety of life issues. People learning self hypnosis have altered relationships, changed careers and developed new skills and abilities with ease. Hypnosis can be used successfully as a powerful tool for good.

Many people however reach a stumbling block when they first hear some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding hypnosis. We’ll address a few of those myths in this article.

Myth #1- Hypnosis is Mind Control -This myth is probably the most widespread and misunderstood of them all. Hypnosis does not allow you to turn others into mind-numbed robots (TV does that pretty Michael Emery
Michael J. Emerywell on its own!). It’s true that hypnosis uses the mind’s incredible powers to operate unconsciously, but no person can be compelled to act against her own moral code. Of course, self hypnosis is only effective if you choose to take yourself into a trance state and then accept your own suggestions. I should mention here that mass advertising can sometimes place people into a receptive mind state that makes suggestions easier to accept, but each individual is free to act on these suggestions or not.

Myth #2- Learning Self Hypnosis Makes You Goofy -This myth arises from the historical view of hypnosis as magical or related to the occult. Prior to the late 1800’s, the scientific basis of hypnosis was not understood. People tend to classify the misunderstood as either fearful, magical, or other-worldly. This myth was easily debunked by the early 1900’s and learning self hypnosis has been added as a regular part of many medical and dental therapies. You can still wear flowing robes and a long beard if you wish, but it’s certainly not required!

Myth #3- Losing Memory -This misconception arises from a simple misunderstanding of the process and effects of hypnosis. People tend to fear losing memory when they are hypnotized by another person. Hypnosis is not a form of sleep where you wake up without any memory of the time during the session. On the contrary, most people remember everything that happens very clearly. It’s true that the hypnotist can give specific instructions to forget aspects of the session, but this is only normally done when the hypnosis is dealing with uncomfortable or painful episodes for the subject. Forgetting those painful memories helps to protect and heal the subject after the session.

Myth #4- Getting Stuck In Self Hypnosis -Some people worry that if they learn self hypnosis they might get themselves stuck in some hypnotic trance or limbo state. This fear is unfounded. Even if you fail to come out of your self hypnosis session after your appointed time, you’ll simply fall into a sleep and awake normally, feeling refreshed and rested. The human mind however has the incredible ability to keep track of time internally, so you can decide on the length of session you wish to conduct. Most people will come out of the trance state within minutes (or even seconds) of their determined time.