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Invest in the stock market for the RIGHT reason, using the RIGHT choices!
Investing in the stock market is not purchasing a stock at 25 dollars a share, hoping it will go to 35 so you can sell it, then hoping it will drop back to 25 so you can buy it back, so that you can sell iter again at 35, and so on and so forth.
In my opinion, that is gambling. And, I would imagine, some would believe that ANY investment in the stock market is gambling.
So, for the sake of argument, let’s assume that every investment in the stock market is a gamble (whether you’re trading in and out of a stock position or a long-term investor). If every investment in the stock market is a gamble, then, how does the
investor/gambler stack the odds in their favor?
What are the right investment choices for the right reason that will stack the odds in favor of the individual investor, to receive a return worth the gamble? What is the RIGHT reason, and
what are the RIGHT choices to make when investing/gambling in the stock market when looking for a return better than a passbook savings account, a CD, Bond or Mutual Fund?
The right reason to invest/gamble in the stock market, believe it or not, is not to make a profit! That’s right! The right reason to invest/gamble in the stock market is to provide an INCOME!
Actually, I’ll go even one step further! The right reason to
invest/gamble in the stock market is to receive an EVER-INCREASIN