The #1 Success Secret of All Time

“…How can a person like me who lives in an area like I do, with no opportunities around, achieve financial success?” or “All of the good opportunities have been taken by someone else, what can I do?”

“What is the secret to success?” “What am I missing?”

Too many of us believe that all our problems and all our desires can immediately be resolved if we can just find that one all-important success secret. If we can just find the secret to all our monetary problems! If we can just find the secret to personal success! If we could just find the secret to relationship and family success!

Think about it. Haven’t you at some point in your life searched for that one all-important, all-encompassing success secret that would bring you the life of your dreams? Are you searching now?

What is it? Where can it be found? Does it even exist?

First, I want to alleviate your concerns and let you know that it does exist!

Next, you should know that it can only be found in you!

Last, I’ll gladly share with you what it is. The #1 success 離婚したくない場合の奥の手 secret of all time is determination and persistence!

Overly simple? Maybe…

Not the insightful revelation you were hoping for? Most likely…

Basic but with implications that run a mile deep? Absolutely!

Walt Disney originally coined the term “Stick-to-it-ivity.” It means to have the attitude of resolve to the point that you refuse to relinquish your ultimate dreams until you have lived to see their successful completion.

Disney was a dreamer who had to persevere through many gigantic obstacles… he suffered numerous bankruptcies before he ever found his fortune, but he never relinquished his desire to build his own personal empire.

Determination and persistence…

…They require a “Burning Why” to be effective. Any dream or goal without a “Burning Why” is bound to be a failure because it can not inspire the determination and persistence to see it to completion.